Säye Skye

Country of Origin: Iran

Main focus: LGBTQ Rights, Music as Activism

Follow on: Säye’s Website

Säye Skye is a transgender Iranian rap artist, LGBTQ rights activist, and self-described 'all-around human lover' based in Toronto.

From the age of 13, Säye has used music to communicate truth, compassion, and love.

His life and work embody exceptional courage and talent, demonstrated through challenging stereotypes of misogyny and discrimination, despite experiencing severe threats and violence in Iran, Canada, and elsewhere.

In 2009, Säye Skye became the first artist in Iran's history to sing about the LGBTQ community. His first single, Säye Yek Zane Irani (Shadow of an Iranian Woman), affirmed that - despite oppression and disenfranchisement - LGBTQ people exist in Iran and demand recognition and respect.

In the face of threats to his life from the Iranian regime, Säye left his home in Tehran in 2010 and sought asylum in Turkey.

In March 2011, Säye moved to Toronto to continue his work as an artist, activist, and advocate for those in need of hope to survive while facing discrimination.

He continues to write about freedom, justice, and respect for all people from across diversities, highlighted in tracks such as TNE and Doppa.

Most recently, Säye has produced the soundtrack for the forthcoming movie "No Hard Feelings."


Farhad Rezaei